I have Speedmires in 7",7.5" and 8" RPM and all of mine LOVE 88's,for a total of (5) different rifles. TRUE RPM will certainly effect things,as stabilization is a function of twist rate and in conjunction with lineal velocity,to factor gross RPM. I measured my 8's and they are as billed.
Now as money in the Bank goes,Reserve RPM is your friend,within reason. 7.5" gets you 90gr Beer Can stabilization,as does the 7". Atmospherics also effect flight/stabilization. I've shot a Jaziilion 50V-Max at Warp Speed,in multiple 7" twists,in various .473" based chamberings. Never an issue,even in 22CHeetah(at 1-14").
I shoot multiple 22-250's,though none faster than 7". Same goes 22-250AI's. Go Speedmire and never look back. It is zero bullshit excellence and Alpha brass is simply fucking amazing. Sell/trade the 22-250 brass and cut to the chase.
A 700 is an easy way to fly and you've the inherent COAL latitude,to do it all,without getting cute. The Speedmire is simply a 22-250AI fully formed,in over the counter brass. 88's crowding 3300fps,are a Modern Marvel.
Nice to see both it and the 22 ARC get unveiled. Hornady is simply on fire and making SMART moves,which is rather refreshing in The Industry................