coming up on 10 years myself in 10 days. Time flies.
first thing is you’ll realize is hobbies won’t fill your time. They did when you were working, but you had time constraints. There’s a 168 hours in a week.
now don’t get me wrong, you’ll have time to scratch the itch, but you aren’t going to hobby 12 hours a day, 365.
I spend a lot of time around retirees. A lot of them have a hard time with this transition.
Fishing is probably a better retiree hobby then hunting. For me it has been. I can only hunt 50-60 days a year nowadays. Whereas we gofishing nearlyeveryday when it’s available.
another thing is build a life that covers afew bases. Daily things that are fun to do, go to beach, fish local holes, etc etc..
but have those big missions in sight.
I don’t know a single couple/or single person that doesn’t absolutely cherish spending time with young kids. They are the fountain of youth.
Colorado could use some more residents that are decent to offset all the home grown libs and replants from else where. You should find a groove.