Blueprint for a cat guiding rifle??


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2011
Alberta Canada
So a buddy wants me to build him a rifle for close encounters of the feline kind. I was thinking McMillan classic edge tech. Rem 700 Number one or two 8 twist in a Sammi 243 at 16.5-18 inches topped with an aim point. I've never hunted cats but that is what I was thinking may work nice. Any other ideas from guys that have actually done it?


Well-known member
Dec 19, 2007
Northern BC
Backpacker .410, original bead front sight, 2 3/4" 7/8th ounce slugs from what I've heard from an old cat hunter I used to run with. Folded in half inside a little daypack, and was less than 5lbs ..........

When I had dogs and kitty hunted a bit down south we used mostly lever guns, with open sights in case you had to get in close during a ground fight.

243 is going to be overkill on even the biggest kitty, they are light boned critters, and 40 yards is going to be considered LOOOOONG range.... And balls deep snow and trying to drag dogs away from a tree after a long run is going to have him cursing a rifle that weighs better than 6 lbs.

If I was going to get back into it now, it would be a saami Montana 223, stuffed with 55 ttsx' to try and minimize big exit wounds.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
There ain't too much shit,that a Montucky 223 won't do.

Though the 20" Montucky BR is a seriously BAD Bitch................

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
20" 358 would be cool. All the guys I used to hunt with packed either 41 or 44 pistolas... I've seen longtails eat some lead, tough bastards, though I hear a 22 magnum in the boiler is handy.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
If I'd of never shot a 358,it would have a better "chance". Boolits matter more than headstamps and there's nothing worth a fuck in said diameter and doubly so in S/A.

If what AccurateMags was telling me on the horn,follows suit to those initial indications,it'll be a breeze to gun a BR outta an AICS footprinted DBM with their pending steel offerings.

NOONE has ever gunned my Montucky Baby BR and said "that sucks". The farther away shit is,the more it dazzles and I've a hunch that I've got more than one rifle to extrapolate it against.



Well-known member
Oct 7, 2008
Western PA
Your regulations certainly simplify things. I'd start with a Montucky or 700/EDGE and do an 18" SAAMI 243 gunning 80 TTSX.

For a more unique approach, why not rebarrel a 223 Montana to 6x45 and gun 80 grain BT's?


Active member
Jul 28, 2010
A lil' Marlin 94 carbine in .357 mag., throwing factory 158gr. HP's..
Skinner rear peep..
Big white bead front..
Skinner also makes wide posts in blue or gold..

Unless you mount a ramp and hood stay away from the Williams Fire Site as they are fragile..

Very handy and kills deer in a pinch..

Have a Rossi 92 carbine in .357 also but not as accurate as the Marlin..

I know nothing about the Blackout and the factory ammo available for it, but as mentioned before one of those set up in a Ruger Amer. Ranch with open sites or a red dot would be very light and handy..

I have a Ruger Amer. compact in .308 the weighs less than 6 lbs. with a cheap Bushnell TRS-25 red dot..
A Ranch model in 30 blackout would weight slightly less with it's 16" barrel..
Lot's of ways to skin this cat..

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Doug Shuck outta tatla lake BC we hunted lynx with used a tre five seven stuffed with 38's, worked great. I'm still thinkin 358 with 225 sgk, partitions or a frames, at shoot from the hip killin range BC don't mean jack shit. Double as a great moose, elk, bear or buck rifle as well...or shoot the factory 200 silver tips, they work alright on bucks and bulls.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Unfortunately...not even 2-scoops of Stupidity,can make boolits not matter.

Purty easy decision,if/when toting a platform of any weight,to "decide" if one wants the 1K+ version or the singshot version.

Upside being of course...there ain't no downside.


Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
A .410 would capably cover your "trying" "application",which just might be one of many fucking points that you couldn't begin to fathom.

Which Dot Sights have you had "issue" with...other than Imaginary/Pretend ones?...............

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Looks Like you still can't connect the dots... Oatmeal was asked to "build" a rifle by his pard. Build, hint... I think if dude wanted a kimber, he'd simply buy one?? I like the idea of oatmeal building a rifle, simply cause he can. 358 or 338 fed, short snout, fuck the holo site, again.... Lotta muscle in a little package.

But once again, you have the uncanny ability of making shit waaaay harder than necessary...


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
Calgary, Canada
Most guys in the cat game, pack revolvers, legal or not. Something to keep in mind.
If he wants a rifle, build him one, small, light, and easy to deploy.
If he wants a legal revolver, then start looking for a S&W antique in 44 Russian. Ammo can still be had, and more than enough poop for a cat. A decent one will start around $1600, unless he can find one in Merica for less.


Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
If the Kimber Montucky were unleashed 25yrs ago,it woulda saved me 50+ Custom builds. 'Course I've more than one rifle to extrapolate. Hint.

Still curious in regards to the "bad" Dot Sights you had "issues" with,nearly as much as how a 308 Montucky is too "hard" or "difficult"...given "all" your "experience".

Do tell................

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007

A 243 or 308 Montucky chopped to 18" to 20" and wearing a SWFA 1-4x illumintated with 55 Mils on the erector,would prolly be handy and fully capable of blowing minds...while still in 1st gear.

I've 308's down to 16" and the modest barrels' undoing ain't in performance,but rather in decibels.(grin) Buggy guns a 20" 243AI and it smashes shit.

A handy/dandy light rifle,has never had an equal and never will..............

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Are you that fucking stupid or do you just like to argue about everyfuckingthing ??? Why the fuck would you scope a rifle for shootin shit at pissing distance??? How many cat trees have you been to?? Have you ever seen a bobcat in a tree??

And once again, fuck holo sites, and fuck illuminated reticles....

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
I don't think Rman needed splain'n, he simply read the fucking post.. Dude wants a 700 in a McMillan edge pattern. Dude WANTS a custom rifle, not a piece of fucking shit kimber, savvy?? Pass the 358 win.... Again

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
I stated facts that fully escaped your exceedingly modest "comprehension" level and you are yet mired in your amazing STUPIDITY,due an innate inability to connect dots.

I've never seen a tree,a pooch or a Feline...let alone at the same time. Laughing!

Procuring a rifle to "let" it only run on 2 cylinders,is hilarious,yet it's constant,in that it's the best you can "do". Congratulations? To purposely construct a Goat Fuck that can't even get OUT of 1st gear,is even funnier yet.

I'm slow to nudge someone in a STUPID fucking direction and in fact,don't. Hint. It's a right proper dichotomy(Google it),that doing shit STUPID,is the best you can "do". Re-hint.

Not so curiously enough,Dot Sights and Illuminated Reticles are a touch beyond Battle PROVEN. Hint. I simply asked which Make/Models(other than Imaginary/Pretend ones),have you had "issue(s)" with? I mean other than none?!? Laughing!

Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess.


257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Better kiss find pressure and 80's butt rock on, spin the turrets, illuminate the reticle blah blah blah!! In typical Larry fashion, you make shit way harder than need be. Have oatmeal build dude a 16-18" 358, throw any fucking 200-225 gr Boolit in her, and rule the fucking roost... Fuck a 308, and fuck crf kimber piece of shits.... Hint

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
How many 16"-20" Custom(s) have you had built? I mean besides none?

If crosshair intersection stumps you,only you would be "surprised" at that "finding". At what distance(s) from the muzzle,have you "found" a 308 lacking in terminal affects? Which rifle,glass and boolit(s).

I'll feign my "surprise" that the only Red Dots you've "experienced",is in your Coloring Book(s).

One would be hard pressed to make shittier use of a FL 308 hull,than in a 358.


257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Larry, you never know ones history, and or milage via the web, unless of course they're like you and post every time they change they're tampon... Tell me more about " cat" hunting... Lmfao

358, if only for conversation... They do suck!! But, results are results, no need to make it any harder than need be... Hint

While you regale me, and the rest of araig with your cat hunting lies, feel free to learn me up on killin elk, followed up witj pics of course!!! Laffin

Pass the 358, hold the battery operated piece of shit, again....


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2008
Calgary, Canada
Big Stick said:

A 243 or 308 Montucky chopped to 18" to 20" and wearing a SWFA 1-4x illumintated with 55 Mils on the erector,would prolly be handy and fully capable of blowing minds...while still in 1st gear.

I've 308's down to 16" and the modest barrels' undoing ain't in performance,but rather in decibels.(grin) Buggy guns a 20" 243AI and it smashes shit.

A handy/dandy light rifle,has never had an equal and never will..............
Well, I did say for a rifle, small, light, and easy to deploy.
And if a feller has to run a rifle, certainly the Montucky would be hard to beat. I am doing a first gen Ti in 7 Shamwow right now, and it will run a 20" barrel. Should be a bit sporty.
A revolver does has its place when catting, and as I said, one way or another, most here run them.



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2013
Oatmealsavage82 said:
So a buddy wants me to build him a rifle for close encounters of the feline kind. I was thinking McMillan classic edge tech. Rem 700 Number one or two 8 twist in a Sammi 243 at 16.5-18 inches topped with an aim point. I've never hunted cats but that is what I was thinking may work nice. Any other ideas from guys that have actually done it?
If he is set on building then I'm with what you listed, save my preference for Edge or Mt Rifle over classic with the light barrel and I'd go for at least 20" on the barrel...not that he needs it for what he's going to do but .243's are rough on my sissy ears. If he isn't set on building .243 Montana all the way, chop as needed.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007

Light done right has no equal,as you know.

I hear good thangs about 1st Gen Ti's and the 7 well as 162's.(grin)

I lonnnnngggggggg ago went through the Revolver Phase ala the usual culprits...586's,686's,GP-100's,617's yada,yada. Have always had a Self Shucker preference and killed a fair to middlin' Bull Elk with a BHP,mainly because I could.

Having dabbled it all,it's Montucky by lightyears............

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007

I'm in the MR camp,with an MR-esque contour myself and prolly have a few.(grin)

The Montucky is simply a better Mouse Trap,for less jingle and that ain't tough to swoon.................

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007

I enjoy your Imagination,fucking nearly as much as you do...though for very different reasons. Laughing!

Felines and Elkeses is farrrrrrrrrr from "rare",despite your feverish attempts to convince yourself of same.

Kudos for fretting a battery on an illuminated reticle,that simply defaults to something superior to everything you are using,when the power is off.


257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Battlefield tested, by you?? Didja read about that too??? Laffin

How many cougar have you seen in a tree?? Don't change the subject, just answer the question ...

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
LOVE a good Hissy Fit and your Estrogen Levels are really bolstering your Imagination and it's Pretend!

You cain't begin to fathom your AMAZING Dumbfuckery.

Bless your heart...............

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Lions ain't my gig,Bob Kitties assuredly is and I've been around a few rifles.

Cite the Critter that a "too tricky" 20" Montucky 308 won't sluice.



Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
358 for cats? LOL!!!!!!!!!

AND no scope for bobs? I guess if you're shooting them out of alders all the time, but a scope sure comes in handy at times. But hey, it's your gig, blast away!

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
I might be mistaken, but I think we're talking about hound hunting here.... only seen 1or 2 stubbies fall victim to a colt woodsman, open sites, outta Adler, and hemlock, and fir,and maple, and even maybe in a waterfall or 2 ...... never carried a rifle for "Bob's"..... but never killed many either!! Grin

Carry on...


Well-known member
Jan 14, 2010
Visit site
I have been on my share of kiitty chasing and I can not tell you how many cats I have knocked out of a tree with a single six in 22 LR, slap the mag cylinder in like Rouge says and it really rolls. Being that is not an option, the 300 blk in a short light platform would be all one would ever need for a cat.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Pappy said:
I have been on my share of kiitty chasing and I can not tell you how many cats I have knocked out of a tree with a single six in 22 LR, slap the mag cylinder in like Rouge says and it really rolls. Being that is not an option, the 300 blk in a short light platform would be all one would ever need for a cat.
I couldn't Whisper,when it's offered in a platform that'll go .473" or .532" at 2.800"+ and weigh/handle/balance the same. In a Krunchenticker and talking trite mag confines and especially if forced to run only P-Mags or something of the ilk at 2.250",then one gains a leetle leverage and another scoop with a Whispering Can.

One could soften a 308 up,if they were convinced they had to for niche applications,but to get the goody outta a gotta neck down and sure as the fuck not up.

A 223 Montucky shortened up with a deep Laser Fucking Beami-ish crown and stamped "243Win" on the shank,would be how I rolled to cover all bases...................

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Dreamin said:
358 for cats? LOL!!!!!!!!!

AND no scope for bobs? I guess if you're shooting them out of alders all the time, but a scope sure comes in handy at times. But hey, it's your gig, blast away!
Have seen glass work myself...............(grin)


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:
I might be mistaken, but I think we're talking about hound hunting here.... only seen 1or 2 stubbies fall victim to a colt woodsman, open sites, outta Adler, and hemlock, and fir,and maple, and even maybe in a waterfall or 2 ...... never carried a rifle for "Bob's"..... but never killed many either!! Grin

Carry on...
Yeah, that's what makes it so funny. "Shocked" you missed that.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Dreamin said:
358 for cats? LOL!!!!!!!!!

AND no scope for bobs? I guess if you're shooting them out of alders all the time, but a scope sure comes in handy at times. But hey, it's your gig, blast away!
Feel free to spill your guts on your "cat" killin prowess, maybe it'll help me understand??


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:
Dreamin said:
358 for cats? LOL!!!!!!!!!

AND no scope for bobs? I guess if you're shooting them out of alders all the time, but a scope sure comes in handy at times. But hey, it's your gig, blast away!
Feel free to spill your guts on your "cat" killin prowess, maybe it'll help me understand??
Killing cats in a tree is easy. Let's hear about your your hounds. What you running? Or is it like your fish "exploits" and you tag along with your "friends"?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
Do tell about your "waterfall" experiences. That ought to be entertaining. Waiting for the words "bayed up" to be used to describe them.

Not sure what "lords easy cats" is so help me out on that one. Thanks in advance!

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
It's all speculation, as I've NEVER hunted behind dogs. Sure folks would love to see some of your pics, unless of course your "dreamin".... pun intended of course... laffin


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:
It's all speculation, as I've NEVER hunted behind dogs. Sure folks would love to see some of your pics, unless of course your "dreamin".... pun intended of course... laffin
Hunting behind a pack and actually owning a GOOD pack ARE WORLD'S APART. But I don't have to tell you that now do I.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Got any pics? Just a stubby or too? Maybe a long tail?

PS, owning, and hunting around more than a few guys with dogs for 35 years, never heard em called a "pack"!!! Lmfao but your doing GRATE!!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:
Got any pics? Just a stubby or too? Maybe a long tail?

PS, owning, and hunting around more than a few guys with dogs for 35 years, never heard em called a "pack"!!! Lmfao but your doing GRATE!!
I'd wager my left leg you couldn't train a collie to "sit" nor a pit bull to fight, let alone a hound to tree a bob or be proficient at catching anything but a frustrating beating at your hands blaming it for your inability to put ANYTHING up a tree. And I'd go one step further and say if you had a pack, they wouldn't get hunted the way they should.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Start cuttin the left leg off.. My chocalate lab today, hauled my couch, pounded 80 miles of pavement, 16 stoplights, 2 sheriffs , and 1 state trooper!!!

Anyhow, training her to swim, fetch, sit and stay, she's coming along quite nicely.... Oh, taught her to drink brewski too!! Top it!! Laffin


257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa

Light done right, for conversation, 6 lugger, only 1 of the six lugs is matted, but who cares?? Lmfao

"Dreamin", note the "pack" of dogs!!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:

Light done right, for conversation, 6 lugger, only 1 of the six lugs is matted, but who cares?? Lmfao

"Dreamin", note the "pack" of dogs!!
Thought we were talking hounds???????

Nice 358!

Due four sure dig the fee line, never gets old sea'ing them.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
I think you got cats mixed up, 358 for longtails, aka cougar, mt lion, Yahoo know??? Stubbies are pussies, pun there to, even a 223 will work on them... grin

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Note the "pack", and 358!! Lmao

Now your turn, well go pic for pic. Or are you gonna talk shit and not back it like most other folks on the www? Your doing so great you hound huntin stone cold killa you!! Laffin


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
I'm going to "talk shit" (by pointing out your obvious braggadocio in a failed attempt to mask your many shortcomings in life) and not back it up. You "win", I lose. You got me?????? Called my bluff?????


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
This is where you "go for the jugular" and post the pictures of you holding the two cubs up big man. For reasons contrary to the general population, the fact you think that illustrates anything other then you being a complete slob, is hilarious.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Cause you are quite simply your a do nothing liar.... period

Seen more than 2 cubs die!! It's funny some folks hold bear in high regard, to most "hunters" they're equal to a coyote, no more, no less...

Post some pics to back up your "experience"... it's eaaaasy... guys can talk about what they think or have heard, but until you've been there and done it, it's usually best not to comment, but to sit back and learn from those that have.... hint...


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
I don't doubt you have, slobs like you can't help themselves. "Your" at the mercy of "you're" intellect. While you've somehow evolved to walk somewhat upright, you still drag "you're" knuckles when you walk.

The only thing I, or anyone else for that matter, could learn from you is what NOT to do. Congrats??????

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Btw, you ever gonna answer, have you killed a cougar? Ever seen one killed?? Or were you just flapping your yap to look l I ke the cool guy?


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
257 Wby Mag said:
Doin God's work ain't for everyone, think she got mad.... laffin
Only you could confuse whacking baby bears as "God's work" and be proud of it. Though deer and elk once sparked my interest, they no longer do. If it don't tree, I don't hunt it anymore. Oblivious to you how that works. Only way I can explain it to you with terms you'll understand is, whatever blows your skirt up, to each their own.

I probably seen a cougar once, might even have some footage playing patty cake with one 40 ft up a tree that conservatively was 150# or better. But this is the Internet and the only place I could get away with such a lie and sounding like the "cool guy". I know I know, pics or it didn't happen. I'm good with the latter. Impressing or proving anything to you is the very last thing I have any inclination of doing. You've got no shame and that is impressive for all the wrong reasons, yet does provide humor and entertainment. Thanks? ??????

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Don't even think twice about it to be honest, it's legal, and its something that needs to be, helps deer an d elk herds, as well as the timber industry. If you ever make it to t he Clearwater region of idaho, don't ask th e locals what t hey do to bears, you'd be really sad!! Talk about a bunch of "slobs"!! Laffin


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
You're straight up killing me. I can't stop laughing now. Thanks for edumacating me on bears and timber!

I did find your Cecil reference humorous. Pathetic how ignorant and hypocritical this country has become.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Ya, the party cake with a "conservative" 150 lb lion is cracking me the duck up, I've heard some shit, but wow!!! Lmfao

And if you knew how rare s actual 150lb cat was, you'd shit, but it sounds like you've been around lots of em!!! Eerily similar to drumsticks at work bringing in 18-20 lb bouy 10 kings and claiming they weigh 30-38lbs!!! Funny stuff!!


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
Here's a free tip for you, when the "commander"only lets you out to play a couple of times a year, lots of things become "rare".

You're at the mercy of your "intellect". I almost feel sorry for you.

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Don't feel sorry for me, I get by quite handily, if you search some pics... you sound eerily similar to who's balls bouncing off your chin most... congrats???

Feel free to post pics of your exploits to see how well you've done, maybe a 150 lb Tom, or even a Adler tree stubby, for which scopes are very handy?? Lmfao

You are a poor troll, and I suspect, a poor "outdoorsman" , obviously....

As a side, commander is letting me fish willipa tomorrow, see how that goes... beer was on sale!! Grin

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Party cake with a conservatively, 150lb lion!! I've heard some shit, but wow!! I'm fucking crying!! Maybe change it name to Tarzan?? Laffin


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2012
In the unfortunate event that one day the Commander happens to read your posts, what do you think would embarrass/appall her more, the fact you brag about leeching off her, your neverending references to and penchant for male genitalia or your atrocious spelling and grammar? How long do you think your internet privileges would be revoked, permanently?

257 Wby Mag

Well-known member
Feb 16, 2008
Chehalis, Wa
Don't worry bout my leachin, if it horns Ya up you shoulda married up... hint

Soooo, your gonna laff out loud, talk shit bout my choice of cartridges, and you have simply played patty cake with said critter??? Shut your yap and learn child.....