Looks like I need a new press......


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2011
Alberta Canada
So I came to a sad conclusion the other day. I was getting a fuck pile of runout in my 6 br brass. Tried different dies, pulling expanders ect ect ect. It seems that the rockchucker press that was given to me by my best buds dad (who purchased it in 1958) has been worn out. It was a good press and I couldn't imagine how many rounds it has loaded over the last 60 years but I'm sure it would be astonishing as big Jim was quite the shooter as well. So that leads me to my next question I'm thinking Redding big boss2 for its replacement I like the leverage and love the primer capture system. And from the testing I've read it loads very straight ammo. Anybody got any other ideas? Also pondered a rockchucker supreme.


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2011
Alberta Canada
The top handle on the Forster and others doesn't really appeal to me just seems awkward and my bench is quite high. Lots of guys love the Forster though for sure. I also was looking at the mec press


Dec 12, 2007
I understand how you would think the handle position to be a little awkward. Kinda grows on you after getting used to it. I wouldn’t want to give mine up after using it for 10yrs. I really like the dies not being hard mounted.

The only thing I changed on mine was shortening up the handle. Even with the shorter handle I haven’t had any problems full length sizing the big straight walled cases. Handles the 458 and 470 like nothing....

Mounted mine on a Dillon base which allowed me to add a small box to hold the bullets.
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Well-known member
Nov 28, 2007
Co-ax for what I need it for; Redding turret for lots of mid-volume stuff (pistol, 5.56) w/o a progressive.

Hard for me to get by with just one, but truly, the Redding turret is good enough for anything short of BR needs.



Well-known member
Aug 24, 2010
SW Washington
I use a Ruckchuck supreme. So far my only want is for a press with die plates, or a turret.
Swapping dies gets old.
Used lots of MEC shotgun stuff. Was always stamped lesser quality stuff.
Haven’t used the Marksman press.