Metallic Photo Prints..............


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
Just got back from a 7 week road trip with a week long intermission to Cuba. Worn out.
This is getting printed on Metal from Artbeat. Should be here next week.
More to follow....... :)



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2016
Short hijack for you photographers...I've got a Valedictorian in my house. Graduating in a month, and he's shown an interest in having a real camera. I struggle to recall I have a camera in my pocket, but he's an intense kid and once in to something, he's IN. Where could I start with a body and lens that would give him a good starting point? Something he could add to, starting simple and growing in complexity. He'll dig deep and learn fast if he's having fun. As a general rule he asks for very little, so I'm looking for a nice surprise for a graduation gift. He's probably not expecting anything but I'd love to hand him something that would give him a great hobby going forward.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2016
Fair question! I guess I can't say "it doesn't matter" and still answer, so my thoughts are this: It seems reasonable to keep the cost in hand, but spend enough on a good foundation that if he does take to it, he isn't going to outgrow the equipment quickly. On the other hand, it might be foolish to spend a ton on great stuff for a hobby that won't stick, or he won't have time for as an engineering student. The one interesting piece of advice I got was to buy him the best point and shoot telephoto available, because it'll be with him [not stored somewhere due to bulk/size], be used a lot, and let him decide if he wants to grow into something "bigger". And I'd happily fill that need for him if it happens - it'd be great to have a photographer in the crew!
Last time I looked, I had just shy of $50k in my checking account, so I can afford "whatever"....but I don't have it there because I spend on shit that's not sensible. Hope that makes sense, and thanks for the advice - I was hoping you'd chime in!


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
My knee jerk would be Sony 6400 with a kit zoom.

Not much bigger than a P&S but is very capable and if he decided to keep going it would still make a great backup camera..

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
I can't speak to the 6400,as I've never shot one.

My P&S love,runs deep and they are amazingly capable,on the average.

I couldn't give up Canon 1D-Series control and AF,nor their RUGGED reliability and weather sealing. The ability to Customize it to suit needs/tastes is a HUGE benefit,in my opinion. Once you taste killer AF,everything less than sucks. Any/all cameras can shoot "slow" stuff,but the ability to capture anything/everything,is a giant leap in the right direction. I've ZERO qualm buying used goods of repute and have procured alotta bodies that way,less a single regret.

Too bad your not closer,I'd give you a backpack full of shit for him to bang around with,to perhaps help pinpoint what his interests are. If I were starting over,I'd wanna learn on a 1D-Series body...................


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
1D4 & 100mm Macro
Blistering fast and razor sharp
I wouldn't mind two of them.......
Havana. They're kinda big tho don't you think Stick?



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2016
Thanks for the replies, guys. I've been looking and the Canon does seem pretty big, but buying used makes some of them pretty affordable. There's a pretty big range of models and an even bigger range on prices, so I'll have to do some research on capabilities before I leap. B&H and Adorama the two spots?

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
The 1D3 was $5000+ at introduction and to score one now for a song,is straight up THIEVERY.(grin)

Is it a bigger body than a P&S or Rebel? Yep. Will it do more and grant greater learning opportunities? Hell yes! I weigh rugged durability and weather resistance more than most,so understand that I'm jaded in said ways. The 1D4 is simply my favorite body of All Time and if jingle isn't an issue,I'd go no other way. Mine is in the front seat wearing Big White 300mm 2.8 and it' simply fucking amazing.

I think key is to not go CRAZY as an opening move,but score something capable and if you snag used...the worst you'l be out is some Shipping,if interests wane or redirect.

The 1DS MK3 is still a marvel,if a guy isn't chasing stratospheric ISO's. I prefer th APS-H sensor over full frame,because most of my interests involve "reach". So it'd be 1D3 or 1D4 for me. I'm pretty fucking hip on the Siggy 35m F/1.4 ART aboard those bodies and it's nice to be able to gun that much aperture ,for both Bokeh and sucking in ambient light.

Grandbaby gets here this afternoon and it'll be non-stop Casting & Blasting,with the 1D3/ART melding and 1D4/300 2.8. The light is currently rather nice,but looks like it might get purty harsh,so will be slipping shadows and coul be a nice opportunity for more B&W imagery.

Photography is almost as fun as shooting.



Well-known member
Apr 30, 2016
It was a topic this weekend when he was at the house. I hinted around the body/lens combo and he volunteered that their likely to not be with him, but a P&S would be useful forever , even if he goes on to a more "pro" setup. I do see his point, but that puts me back to shopping again. Looking at the Sony recommended above and seeing what the competition is. I'm sure his instincts are right, he's a sharp kid and rarely makes bad calls on his own dedication or abilities.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
A few years ago I asked the same question and got the same answer.
I opted for a well used 1dmk2N and 24-105.
It was big and given the time between cameras and my old age, it took me a while to learn.
I've since moved along some and gun a 1dmk4 and 5d3, the 4 being the better (IMO) camera.
The size no longer bugs me, and the images are slowing getting better.
On a side note, when shooting street photos in places like Seattle, I don't feel the need for a pistol, as the 1d's are virtual clubs in themselves. :)

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Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
I prefer the G-12,due the Manual Control opposed to digging through a digital menu.

By the numbers,the G-16 is "better",but I prefer the '12...……………….

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
A few years ago I asked the same question and got the same answer.
I opted for a well used 1dmk2N and 24-105.
It was big and given the time between cameras and my old age, it took me a while to learn.
I've since moved along some and gun a 1dmk4 and 5d3, the 4 being the better (IMO) camera.
The size no longer bugs me, and the images are slowing getting better.
On a side note, when shooting street photos in places like Seattle, I don't feel the need for a pistol, as the 1d's are virtual clubs in themselves. :)

I have 6 1D-Series bodies and am simply ruint.
Have yet to have even a smidge of light and temps are still in the low 30's. Wind is honking,ice is suplizingly melting,roads are flooding and helicopters aren't flying. It's been a big dose of poor luck,for more than a few.

Critters abound,but less nice light...I don't get the fever...………...


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
Anything from MPIX. yet. I'm looking forward to seeing them.
Having a couple more wrapped up by Artbeat, but haven't shipped yet.
Heard good things about MPIX. Artbeat called a couple hours after I sent a file and said I was heavy handed on the sky and it was pretty noisy.
I re processed and they said it looked much better and they would print it. I like that.
Took a bunch of whitewater rafting photos this weekend. They didn't deserve me..... :)

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Hopefully it's all waiting for me at home.

I like your eye and the colors are great on the water.

Well done...……………..


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
Thank you, as always.

Have 3 more prints being shipped from Artbeat. They have been running some specials.

The river shots were harder than I thought. The first ones were crappy as hell.

I dialed in between +1-1 2/3 EV and things starting working out.

Better to bring down highlights than recover shadows.


Well-known member
Oct 21, 2009
Jefferson State
One stretch on the Rogue near were we springer fish held the kayak Olympic trials a few years back. When they float through the holes it stirs up the fish, cast right behind them and game on.
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Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
One of many reasons,why I like back button focus and the ability to lock exposure and focus/recompose. Lotsa ways to get there and you nailed it.

Sister called yesterday and opened MPIX mail and said it turned out "amazing" I told her to take them with her,as I can always order more...…………...
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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
I know you’re not a FF fan, but, for the money
I get it that it’s not a 1 series, but the focusing is bad ass and I’ve never had to clean the sensor on mine.
But for someone it’s a pretty good start
5d3 24-105


Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
I've got 1D FF bodies,but prefer the APS-H sensors.

A guy could do worse than a 5D3,but i couldn't take the hit on AF or shutter speed,for pursuits of interest to me.

I like that shot.............


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2007
I was thinking 18x24 or 11x17. Not sure what finish (normal or metallic) and if I'll try Bayphoto or adoramapix.

Shot with a 5D3 and a Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 on the shores of Lake Michigan
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Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Go big.

Figured FF and saw the curvature,but figured focal length to be a touch greater than that. Rokinon thoughts?

I like the shot...………………………..


Well-known member
Dec 24, 2007
It's not the greatest but seems to do the job. I pretty much bought it only for shooting the stars only so I am happy with it. I picked it up used a few weeks ago and only used it this past weekend.

I will take some more shots during the day with it soon and let you know what i think then.

Side note is that when I was looking at where to order, several jad sales going on for the holiday.


Well-known member
Apr 7, 2012
Artbeat has a sale on metallic that ends today

I’m really happy with the quality.

I’ve learned to brighten my file a bit so the print matches my monitor

Also, if you decide to print on a different media, color profiles are very important.

Big Stick

Well-known member
Nov 18, 2007
Sale goes through today. Went and created an account,loaded images and was ready to give money away,only to see that they ship Fed X Ground only.

So much for that!....................(grin)